Novokill Deltasect
Bed Bug Set
Set (monitors + spray) for monitoring and combating bedbug infestations
All-in-one solution with bedbug monitors and spray
Spray for a fast effect
Long-term monitoring with detectors
Versatile and invisible bed bug control
Free downloads
Instructions for use
Safety data sheet Deltasect spray
Safety data sheet bed bug monitors
The kit includes a 500ml bed bug spray specially formulated to effectively control bed bugs and four bed bug monitors designed to help identify and detect the presence of bed bugs in your living area.
Position the bed bug monitors under mattresses, behind and under upholstered furniture and in drawers to effectively monitor for bed bugs.
If the infestation persists after using the set, call in a professional pest controller.
You can sleep in the treated area again as soon as the spray has dried completely and the room has been thoroughly aired.